What is Communication for Development (C4D) ?

It is a participatory process where communication tools and activities are used to support social and behaviour change in a sustained way. It is used to understand a targeted audience’s knowledge, attitudes and practices around a certain issue in order to work with them to develop empowering messages and tools.


Why use C4D?

Experience from development initiatives have shown that it is not enough to come up with solutions and expect people to automatically adopt them. Knowledge does not automatically lead to changes in behaviour  — whether a person’s use of a social service (e.g. visit to a migrant information centre) or personal hygiene behaviour (e.g. hand-washing with soap). People’s access to information, their attitudes on an issue and motivation or ability to act are coloured by a complex system of internal and external influences.
Participatory processes, under C4D, allow for a deeper understanding of a given problem and the related factors, including influencers, that can be addressed and leveraged to motivate and promote positive change.

Step 1: Analysis

Know your audience

To create something relevant and impactful, conduct research to undertand the context of a problem, identify the target audiences, uncover their knwoledge, attitudes, and dehavior towards the highlighted issue, and find out how they access information

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Step 2 - Strategic design

Know how to best reach your audience

Set SMART objectives, determine the best communication channels for dissemination, and design a communication strategy where an activity can move the targeted audiences along the behavior change journey. Bring all the research and strategic design together to develop a creative brief

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Step 3: Development & Testing

Does it work?

This is when materials and messages are developed, tested, revised and retested with the targeted audience to make sure that they are understood, relevant and evoke emotion that can motivate positive behaviour change.

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Step 4: Implementation

Getting your message out there!

Roll out the activity in the identified communication channels from Step 2. Mobilize key stakeholders who have been involved in Steps 1 to 3 to be part of dissemination and ask them to push out the materials through their unique networks.

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Step 5: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

How is it going? Will we do this again in the same way?

Good practice involves routine data collection to measure
the progress and impact of an activity. Monitoring captures day-to-day activities to gain insights in whether the target audience is engaging in an activity and what is happening to them during the activity. Evaluation measures how well a programme achieves the objectives it set out in Step 2. Don’t forget to allow time and budget for monitoring and research!

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Case study: Know Before You Go

You can find here an overview of the analysis, development and testing as well as the monitoring and evaluation steps of the campaign Know Before You Go. Read more

Case study: Open Doors

You can find here an overview of the analysis, development and testing as well as the monitoring and evaluation steps of the campaign Open Doors. Read more

Case study: Prisana

You can find here an overview of the analysis, development and testing as well as the monitoring and evaluation steps of the campaign Prisana. Read more

Annexe: List of C4D research methods

Here is a list of research method for applying Communication for Development Read more