About us

Not your average campaign

IOM X is the International Organization for Migration (IOM)’s campaign to encourage safe migration and public action to stop exploitation and human trafficking.

IOM X moves beyond raising awareness to affecting behaviour change by applying a Communication for Development (C4D), evidenced-based and participatory framework to tailor messaging for its activities.

IOM X’s activities include developing media content for television and online platforms, digital innovations with leading technology companies, and capacity building resources. It's all about preventing diverse forms of exploitation through the adoption of positive actions that can be taken by individuals and their communities.

All IOM X videos and resources on the IOM's X-Site are available free-of-charge to individuals, organizations and broadcasters.


Our approach

Giving power to those at the center.

IOM X applies a Communication for Development (C4D) framework to support positive behaviour change for the prevention of human trafficking and exploitation.

C4D is one of the more popular frameworks under the strategic communication umbrella. It uses theories and practices from sociology, psychology, communication and private sector marketing to create solutions to social problems.

That said, C4D is not rocket science! C4D is a people-centered process. It means using communication tools and activities to support and help create social and behaviour change in a meaningful and sustained way.

C4D is used to understand different contexts and people’s knowledge, attitudes and practices around a certain issue to be able to then work with them to develop empowering and positive messages and tools. In this way, we can best ensure that our information dissemination activities are most likely to achieve the desired impact.

Learn more

How to use this website?

Everything your campaign needs, in one place.

This website has two parts. The first part is a library of downloadable IOM X materials. This includes videos, factsheets, presentations, research and training guides that you can use to support your own communication campaigns. We provide editable files for most of our materials so that you can reversion as needed for your own target audiences.

The second part of the website will help guide you through the process of creating a C4D campaign. Along with detailed instructions for every step, we provide important tools you may need, such as facilitation guides and examples from past campaigns. Note that C4D approaches are relevant across IOM activities, not just counter-trafficking!


Our Campaigns

Get inspired by our past campaigns

You can find the landing pages of some of our past campaigns below

The WAKA Well campaign seeks to prevent exploitation by empowering young people in West Africa to make informed migration-related decisions.: WAKA Well .

Somos Colmena in Central America is a campaign that promotes regular and safe migration, as well as human rights and integration of migrants, through accurate, diverse and reliable information.campaign seeks to prevent exploitation by empowering young people in West Africa to make informed migration-related decisions.: Somos Colmena .

The Make Migration Work campaign encourages aspirant migrants from Myanmar and their families to seek as much safe migration information as possible before migrating to better protect themselves from exploitation: Make Migration Work.

The Bangladesh Roadshow campaign promotes safe migration message to aspirant migrants from Bangladesh - if you or someone you know is thinking of migrating abroad, be sure to check the legitimacy of your visa. Bangladesh roadshow campaign.

The Mythbusting campaign is a series of interviews with experts to debunk myths commonly associated with Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation: Mythbusting sexual exploitation .

The Do You Know Made It? campaign encourages young people to fight exploitation by making smart purchasing decisions that reinforce the fair treatment of workers in industries such as the food industry. Do you know who made it? .

The Prisana campaign is a great way to introduce audiences to exploitation and human trafficking in the fishing industry and inform them about the pervasiveness of the issue: Prisana, an IOM X drama.

Happy Home campaign features a series of videos the struggles of migrant domestic workers in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. This drama can be used to educate audiences on the experiences and treatment of domestic workers and encourage them to learn, share and take action : Happy Home.

My Journey, Your experience campaign promotes safe migration for Indonesian who aspire to migrate in Hong Kong: My Journey, Your Experience Campaign.


Start IOM X in your country

Bring the approach to your audience.

IOM X started as a four-year project out of the IOM Regional Office for Asia Pacific in October 2014. A number of IOM offices globally have adopted the campaign model, with activities starting at IOM X Belarus in 2015 and IOM X Central America in 2018 and IOM X West Africa in 2019.

If you are a staff member of the International Organization for Migration and interested in incorporating IOM X into your country’s activities, please contact IOMX@iom.int


More questions

Timeline: IOM X over the years